The College offers assistance and non-judgmental support to any party involved in an incident of sexual misconduct.
Confidential resources include the counseling staff, the student health center staff, and the Chaplain. Off-campus mental health providers and resources like Ampersand are also confidential providers since they do not report to the college.
Private resources include faculty, staff, residence directors, resident assistants, and athletics staff, who are mandatory reporters and must make a report to the Title IX coordinator if they are made aware of an instance of sexual misconduct. This does not mean that an investigation will automatically take place. Even if the college decides they have an obligation to pursue an investigation due to certain factors, the survivor will be able to opt out of participating.
One benefit of talking to someone at the college about your experience is that you can receive support and accommodations. If you need to switch classes or move to a different residence hall, that can be facilitated through both confidential and private resources.