Kay L. Drake, Title IX Team Member, Investigator


Vice President for Human Resources and Administrative Services

Horky House, First Floor



Kevin Milby, Title IX Team Member, Investigator

Director of Public Safety

Public Safety Office, West Walnut Street



Gina Nicoletti-Bellinger, Title IX Team Member

Associate Athletic Director

Sutcliffe Hall, Athletics Administration office



Dr. Mary Gulley, Title IX Team Member


Asst. Dean for Advising, Asst. Professor of Psychology

Old Centre, Dean’s Office



Melinda Weathers, Title IX Team Member

Director of Diversity and Inclusion Education

Stuart Hall, Office of Diversity and Inclusion Office



The Title IX team’s mission is to lead the College’s collective commitment to eliminate sex based inequity, misconduct, or violence and to provide effective means to resolve known instances. The Title IX team coordinates, monitors, and tracks campus-wide efforts through policy, prevention, and intentional programming in pursuit of its goals. The Title IX team attempts to discern the needs of students, faculty, and staff by engaging with national experts, utilizing data, and incorporating best practices with the intention to support the entire College community.

Generally speaking, the Title IX Team will strive to help expand campus-wide buy-in by students, staff, and faculty, demonstrating visible commitment and meaningful investment in effective prevention initiatives. We will expand and improve the College’s strategic, collaborative, and research-informed translation of resources into effective policies and programs. We will uphold our values and expectations of the College community, and continuously assess our system of accountability to uphold and enforce those values and expectations. We will continue to invest in intentional development, multi-modal design, and targeted delivery of prevention programs and messages that will maximize their impact. And, we will encourage and facilitate the efforts of students to promote their own culture change from within.


We can create a culture of caring where:

  1. Students, faculty, and staff feel safe in the place where they work, live, and study;
  2. Students, faculty, and staff are educated in bystander intervention;
  3. Students understand what consent is and strive to have healthy sexual relationships;
  4. Survivors feel safe reporting what’s happened to them and know we care and will help;
  5. Resources are known and widely-accessed;
  6. Policies are alive and practiced and give us strength and clarity to create and uphold the values of the Centre community we love and to which we aspire.

From the Title IX Coordinator & Team, Responsible Employees, Student Health & Centre Counseling, and the Department of Public Safety

  1. We will treat you and your particular case with courtesy, sensitivity, dignity, understanding, and professionalism.
  2. We will consider our doors "open" to students to drop in as needed with concerns. We will welcome you.
  3. We will meet you privately, at a place of your choice in this area to take a complaint report.
  4. We will consider your case seriously, regardless of your gender or the gender of the suspect.
  5. We will not prejudge you and you will not be blamed for what occurred.
  6. We will assist you in arranging for any hospital treatment or other medical needs.
  7. We will assist you in contacting the police or filing a protective order.
  8. We will assist you in privately contacting a counselor and/or other available resources.
  9. We will assist you with measures that may make a difference in your ability to pursue your education. These may include changes in course schedule, residence hall, or work-study.
  10. We will fully investigate the incident. You will be kept up-to-date on the progress of the Title IX complaint at every stage.
  11. We will continue to be available for you, answer your questions, explain the systems and process involved, and be a willing listener.