Centre students have access to a variety of health and wellness services.  Student Health operates by appointment only.  There is no office visit charge but there are charges associated with testing, medications, or vaccines.  

Physical address on campus:  309 College Street, Sutcliffe Hall

Telephone:  859-238-5530           Fax:  859-238-5380

Hours:  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm (closed from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm) and Thursday 7:30 am to 11:30 pm.  Student Health is closed on Thursday afternoons for physical health care.

Student Health is closed during the summer, however, email and telephone messages are checked and returned.

Physician Clinics

 Tuesday - Friday 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.  Physician not available on Monday.

Allergy Shots

Allergy shots are administered free of charge to Centre students. Patients must have been to an allergist and have the appropriate paperwork for a third party to administer the allergy shot. Allergy shots can only be administered when the physician or physician assistant are available. The patient must be observed after the shot is administered for the length of time specified by their allergist.

Tests and Medications

In-clinic lab tests and medications made available through Student Health can be paid for at the time of service or can be billed to your student account. If labs or diagnostic imagining are done at the local hospital or another facility, the facility where the service is performed will manage billing.

Referral Service

Names and phone numbers of local physicians and specialists are available upon request. If you need to be seen by a specialist, Student Health staff can make this referral however some insurance companies require referrals from an in-network primary care provider.

Self-Help Center

Sample-sized over-the-counter medications are available at the self-help center in the Student Health lobby without having to see the nurse, PA, or MD.  Examples:  medicines for cold, pain, allergy, and GI symptoms.

Health Insurance

Students are required to upload a copy of the front and back of their insurance card. When first year students complete their medical history form, there is a tool within that form where they will upload copies of their insurance card. If a student has a change in insurance, they should update by uploading a copy of the front and back of their new insurance card to the patient portal. https://centre.studenthealthportal.com.

Most Centre students have health insurance through a parent’s plan. Under the Affordable Care Act, if a parent’s health insurance plan covers children, the parent can add or keep the child on their policy until they turn 26 years old. If a student is not covered through a parent’s plan, an individual plan should be purchased. Information can be found at https://kynect.ky.gov or https://healthcare.gov.  

Dental and Vision Insurance

Dental and Vision insurance is available to all Centre students. Dental & Vision - Lewerglobal