Students of Concern 

When looking for support for students of concern it can sometimes be difficult to choose the best method for making your concern known. The resources below are meant to clarify the process for making concerns known and expedite the process for responding appropriately to reports.


A visual reporting decision making tree can be seen here.


**In case of emergency, such as cases where a student may cause harm to themselves or others, reports should always be made directly to the Department of Public Safety (859-236-4357) or Student Health & Counseling (during regular business hours: 859-238-5530; after hours: 859-319-1546), or by calling 911.** 


Types of Reports and Related Forms 

Click on the appropriate icon to report a concern

Members of the college community can submit one of the following forms as needed to make appropriate offices or administrators aware of situations or behaviors that may require follow up or intervention.  



Faculty and Staff Submissions Only (requires login) 

Student Notices should be utilized when students are exhibiting signs of routine difficulty or exhibiting behavior which directly impacts their academic performance such as missed classes, mild stress, difficulty understanding material, or other impediments to academic success.


This form should be submitted when a student is experiencing crisis, is displaying behavioral, emotional, or mental health distress, or if there are general concerns about a student’s well-being. 


Is used to report violations of the Student Conduct Code or other College policy.    Used to report sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or other behavior believed to be in violation of the College Sexual Misconduct Policy   Is used to report acts of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or other forms of bias.