Jeanne Clery Act

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (formerly known as the Campus Security Act) was signed into law in November 1990 and amended in 1998. It requires that all institutions of higher education report annually to students and employees on specific campus crime statistics and security policies and procedures. Campuses must also issue timely warnings to the campus community concerning serious crimes on campus and must file their crime statistics electronically with the Department of Education on an annual basis. It also requires that institutions maintain a daily campus crime log, which must be available for daily inspection. This publication meets the requirements of that law and demonstrates compliance with the Federal and Drug Free Schools and Communities Acts Amendments of 1989 to the Higher Education Act of 1965.

Michael Minger Act

This Kentucky state legislation was passed in response to the death of Michael Minger, a Murray State student who died in his college dorm room as a result of arson. The legislation is designed to provide greater security for students attending postsecondary educations institutions in the Commonwealth. It mirrors the Clery Act in many ways with a few exceptions. One of the differences of this regulation is that the crime log must be available on computer networks. The Minger Act also clarifies issues with the jurisdiction of the state fire marshal and requires campus officials to notify the state fire marshal of any fire or threat of fire on campus. This includes all fire alarm activations. Information concerning either of these laws can be obtained by contacting the Department of Public Safety.

Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (PDF)
Clery Annual Report on Crime Statistics (PDF)
Crime and Fire Log
Sex Offender Registry

Public Safety Links