The Writing Center Opens for Spring Term on

Monday, February 10th!


The Writing Center's goal is to empower your words.

The trained peer consultants meet individually with students to discuss any writing project. We consult on every stage of the writing process—from finding a topic to revising a draft. The goal of each consultation is to foster a greater awareness of the writing process, not to produce a flawless text.

What We Do

The Writing Center, located in the basement of Crounse (next to the Proctoring Center), offers one-on-one consultations between students and trained peer consultants for writing assignments. Our consultants serve as friendly readers, with the goal of helping you feel more in control of the writing process. The typical consultation begins with a collaborative effort to identify priorities for the session. If you've brought a draft with you, we'll take a few minutes to read through it, after which we'll have a conversation about how you can write your way towards the next, stronger draft.

Students benefit most from sessions that occur at the planning, drafting, and revising stages, when there is still enough time for the writer to revise and rethink. Consultants will ask writers lots of questions and encourage students to recognize their challenges, while also identifying key strengths (and how to make the most of them). Ideally, this conversational exploration will prompt writers to refine both their argument and their prose for clarity and power.

We can help you with just about any written assignment, at any phase of the writing process. 

You are welcome to walk into The Writing Center during regular hours!

This Spring Term, The Writing Center is open during the following hours:


Sunday - Thursday:  7:00 P.M. - 11:00 P.M.



The Writing Center will close for the term at 11 P.M. on Monday, May 12th

Question: Why does The Writing Center close before final exams?

Answer: Because the student-consultants who work here have finals too. Don't worry: We will reopen at the start of Fall Term.




Frequently Asked Questions about The Writing Center 

Do I need an appointment to use The Writing Center?

Nope, just walk on down to see us

Okay, sounds good. But, what should I expect during my appointment at The Writing Center? 

If you would like an extra pair of eyes on your paper or if you would like someone to brainstorm with you, simply head over to The Writing Center, located in the basement of Crounse (next to the Proctoring Center). When you arrive at The Writing Center, a consultant will greet you and ask you to sign in at the front desk. At the start of your consultation, you'll chat with your consultant about your assignment and your goals for the session. 

If you're sharing a draft or notes with your consultant, either print them ahead of time or be prepared to email it to that person at the start of your appointment. You don't have to send it ahead of time, just plan on doing so at the start. 


When I visit The Writing Center, every consultant is already helping someone else. Then I have to wait. Why is that?

We're really sorry about the inconvenience. You are welcome to wait or visit another time. Our busiest nights tend to be Thursdays. Mondays and Tuesdays tend are quieter. We recommend coming well in advance of your paper's deadline. 


Walk-in Consultations Available at The Writing Center!

Evening hours Sunday - Thursday (7pm - 11pm) 

It's 9 pm and you're thinking, "I wish I had another pair of eyes looking at this draft?"    No problem.   


Sometimes you just can't schedule everything in your week. We know that. The good news is that you have not missed your chance to have a Writing Center consultation. 

You do not need to make an appointment to come to The Writing Center.  If you would like to "walk in," just come to The Writing Center with your draft. Any consultant working can help you sign up for a walk-in slot or give you an idea if one may open up later in the evening. 

Sure, some nights are busier than others (usually Thursdays), but we almost always have openings Sunday through Wednesday. If everything is already full, a consultant can also help you figure out another time to return. 

See you at The Writing Center!



One last note: please remember we are not a proofreading or editing service. We do not correct the writing for you. We aim to work with you during the paper-building process. That way—from start to finish—the writing is all yours. 



For more question about The Writing Center, email Dr. Azita Osanloo, Director of The Writing Center and Assistant Professor of Creative Writing & English (