Centre Career Roadmap

The Center for Career & Professional Development is committed to helping you navigate the journey from college student to professional life. This Career Roadmap is a four-year guide that will help you learn about yourself, explore career options, gain experience and put you on the path to career success. We recognize that everyone begins their journeys at different places, so we encourage you to work with your career counselor, who can guide you through this map. View the Career Roadmap booklet.


First-Year Students

Attend Finding Your Centre (FYC).

Complete your profile in Handshake.

Explore options and learn more about yourself. Visit the Center for Career & Professional Development to explore your values, interests, abilities (self-assessments) and possible majors.

Get plugged in. Become involved on campus by joining a student organization.

Turn your high school resume into a college resume.


Explore career fields. Use the Career Mentor Network and other on-line resources to explore possible career fields.

Meet with your career counselor to explore your options and develop preliminary career goals.

Attend Center for Career & Professional Development events and programs such as the Career Chats and Emerging Professionals series

Update and refine your resume.

Engage in experiential opportunities. Begin to gain experience through participation in a summer internship, study abroad, undergraduate research, service learning, and/or student leadership.

If participating in an internship, explore internship funding options.


Meet with your career counselor to further refine your career goals.

Attend Center for Career & Professional Development events and programs such as the Career Chats and Emerging Professionals series.

Participate in an internship or undergraduate research experience. Gain relevant experience by participating in an academic-credit semester-long internship, a summer internship, or research experience.

Create a LinkedIn profile. Stop by the Center for Career & Professional Development for a professional profile picture and to learn more about networking. Use LinkedIn to network and to research employers.

If considering graduate school, begin researching programs and studying for graduate exams.


Attend Senior Celebration and other Center for Career & Professional Development events.

Refine your interview skills. Meet with your career counselor to talk about interview preparation and conduct a mock interview in the Center for Career & Professional Development.

Update and customize your resumes.

Develop your job search plan. Create a plan to target employers, network, hone your interviewing skills, and successfully apply for jobs.

Attend Spotlight Career Fair and on-campus interviews.

If applicable, finalize your graduate school application. A successful graduate school application process includes taking the appropriate entrance exam(s), having your personal statement(s) reviewed by your career counselor and any appropriate advisors/faculty, and securing letters of recommendation.

Complete the Senior Survey at the end of the school year.