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Career Resources

Getting started:

If you have questions about what to major in, how to apply for internships, grad school, or the job search, make an appointment with your career counselor or drop in to talk to a Career Peer Mentor.


Additional Career Resources:

Career Mentor Network. A collection of Centre alumni (and other friends of the college) willing to provide career information and advice to current Centre students and alumni.

Attention Deficit Disorder Association Succeed @ Work. Provides strategies and tools for success at work for professionals with ADD/ADHD.

Fiscal Tiger. Provides job search, career, and mentoring resources for a wide variety of disabilities.

Institute on Employment and Disability (Cornell University). Advances knowledge, policies, and practice to support people with disabilities in workplaces, schools, and communities.

Job Accommodation Network. Provides guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues.

Minority Students in STEM. Resources for Centre students majoring in the STEM fields.

U.S. Department of Labor Office of Disability Employment Policy. Promotes policies and coordinates with employers and all levels of government to increase workplace success for people with disabilities.

Office for Civil Rights. Website hosted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that hosts information on and enforces one’s civil rights regarding a large index of topics.

Find Law: Disability Discrimination. Provides and overview of how workplace disability discrimination is legally defined.

Transitioning to STEM Toolkit. Resources for those with ADHD and learning disabilities as they transition to the STEM workforce.

ResumeLab. "How to Thrive In Your Career If You Have a Disability" is a tailor made guide with best practices on how to overcome all obstacles and progress in one's career.

Zety. A guide with 100+ jobs for people with diabilities, tips to make the road easier when looking for jobs, and how to find disability employment that fits.

College Consensus. Resources for college students with ADHD that include a list of colleges with accommodations, study tips, grants & scholarships and more.

NVISION. Career options for the visually impaired (low vision & blind).


Job Search and Networking Tools

Networking Tools:

Career Mentor Network. A collection of Centre alumni (and other friends of the college) willing to provide career information and advice to current Centre students and alumni.

Employer Connect.  An interactive networking program designed for autistic and neurodivergent jobseekers to facilitate education, communication, and awareness between candidates and employers.


Job Search Tools:

Handshake. Official job/internship search platform for Centre College.

AbilityJOBS. Posts jobs from employers specifically seeking to hire people with disabilities.

AbilityLinks. Connects a dynamic talent pool of applicants with disabilities to a network of employers that value disability inclusion.

CareerConnect. For job seekers who are visually impaired.

Chronically Capable. Flexible jobs for the chronically ill.

Disability Job Exchange. Assists job seekers and employers connect.

disABLEDperson, Inc. Provides an online, targeted recruiting site that effectively connects proactive employers with disabled job seekers.

Entry Point!. Part of the American Association for the Advancement of Science offering internship opportunities for students with disabilities in science, engineering, math, and computer science.

Getting Hired. A recruitment solution dedicated to helping inclusive employers hire professional individuals and veterans with disabilities.

Minority Students in STEM. Resources for Centre students majoring in the STEM fields.

National Business & Disability Council Disability Employment Source. Connects job seekers with disabilities to careers.

Office of Personnel Management Disability Employment. Provides information about how to apply for positions in the federal government.

Project Hired. Guides job seekers with disabilities to find and sustain meaningful employment through an array of services designed to promote self-sufficiency and independence, remove barriers, create opportunities, and help participants build successful careers for free.

Thunderbird School of Global Management: Job Assistance Guide for People with Disabilities. Offers resource on guidance and information for working people with disabilities as well as job search resources. 

USA Jobs. Search jobs with the federal government.

We Connect Now.  Dedicated to uniting college students with disabilities in access to higher education and employment issues. 


Centre College Student Groups and Resources

American Sign Language. Contact: Gary Crase

Centre College Academic Affairs Office - Disability Services. Contact: Mary Gulley, ADA Coordinator

Centre Signers.

S.A.F.E. Students for Autoimmune Funding and Education.


Professional Associations